To ask yourself a question, to ask that question to an other (2017)

Poem by workshop participant Keet Winter (18)

Poem by workshop participant Nina Ramcharan (16)

Poem by workshop participant Keet Winter (18)
The project 'To ask yourself a question, to ask this question to an other'* was developed during a two-month artist-in-residency period at Castrum Peregrini, Amsterdam.
Taking as a main subject the relations between friendship and resistance, which I approached through private and public conversations with friends.
A dialogue with my sister, philosopher Camila Zito Lema, was published as a result on the Female Perspective magazine edited by Nina Folkersma.
The Female Perspective magazine, edited by Nina Folkersma and published by Castrum Peregrini.
Next to this I organised a poetry workshop in collaboration with Dasja Koot and School der Poezie, Amsterdam. During this workshop a group of students reflected through poetry writing on the subject of friendship and resistance from their individual and personal perspectives and experiences.
The final presentation of the project at Castrum Peregrini included public poetry readings, a commissioned lecture by artist-writer Becket Mingwen, and a performance by artist Iva Supic Jankovic.

Iva Supic Jankovic and Aimée Zito Lema in conversation, introducing the performance.
*The title of this project was inspired on the poem ‘Verzet begint niet met grote woorden’ by Dutch poet Remco Campert. "Jezelf een vraag stellen / daarmee begint verzet / en dan die vraag aan een ander stellen" (excerpt)
Special thanks to the poetry-workshop participants: Keet Winter, Iris Wolbers, Nina Ramcharan and Pallawie Bansidhar.
This residency period and the project were made possible by the Mondriaan Fund.